Saturday, July 27, 2019

Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Background



This chapter discusses the conceptual basis of the study. It includes the background of the study, review of related literature, theoretical, conceptual and operational frameworks, statement of the problem, hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and limitation and definition of terms. Take note that based on the type of study that you are doing, the parts may vary.

Table 1
Parts of chapter 1 and short description for each

Background of the Study

Provides the context and situationer of the study. Establishes the social, theoretical, institutional and personal relevance of the study

Review of Related Literature
An exhaustive exploration and discussion of all the previous research and scholarly that focuses on the topic on the current topic/area of study and other topics related to it

Theoretical Framework
Discusses the theory/theories that the researcher uses in order to focus the perspective/lens and analysis of the inquiry. Some studies may present  Philosophical Underpinnings instead of theoretical framework

Conceptual Framework or Research Framework*
Discusses the concepts, contexts and relationships which are the focus of inquiry of the study. Some studies may have no conceptual framework.

Operational Framework*
Discusses the specific parameters/indicators of the concepts under study. Some studies may have no operational framework.

Statement of the Problem
Presents the general problem statement, and the specific research questions.


States the null hypothesis to be addressed by the study. Only studies using inferential statistics will have this section.

Scope and Limitation
Discloses the conceptual and methodological inclusions   and exclusions in the study, and admits study characteristics which may be sources of bias.

Significance of the Study
Enumerates the different individual and institutional stakeholders who will benefit from the conduct and results of the study.

Definition of Terms
Enumerates and defines the important terms pertinent to the study.

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