Wednesday, July 31, 2019


This section of Chapter 1 declares the hypotheses to be tested in a quantitative research. Following are the guidelines of writing this section:
1.     Begin with the clause, “the following hypothesis/hypotheses is/are tested in (value) level of significance.” For studies conducted by senior high school students, the maximum value should be 0.10, and for college, masters and doctorate level, the maximum level of significance should be at 0.05.
2.     Each null hypothesis must be labeled correctly with capital letter H, small letter o and a number that is subscripted (eg. Ho1: There is no significant relationship between intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction).
3.     The sequence of the hypotheses must be consistent with the conceptual framework and statement of the problem.
4.     Generally, hypotheses should be stated in the null, non-directional and complex format. However, some disciplines like psychology may prefer alternative, directional formats (for this use the label Ha1).
5.     All hypotheses stated must be addressed later in the results.
6.     Pure qualitative research studies do not have hypotheses.


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