Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Research Instrument

Research instrument discusses the tools used by the study in order to orderly and accurately collect and store data. Remember that for each of the different major variables/ phenomena, research methods and types of data, a research instrument is used. Introduce this part by discussing the number of instruments used in the study. Based on the number of variables/concepts, type of data, data collection methods and phases of the study, the number of instruments used may also vary. A detailed discussion is made for every instrument in the study. Table __ shows the common instruments used for different data types.

Table ___
Different research methods/data types and common instruments
Type of Data/
Research Method
Common Instruments Used

Self-Report Data


            Focus Group             Discussion


Questionnaires, psychological tests, exams

Interview schedule/guide, audio-recorder

Focus group discussion guidelines, interview schedule, audio recorder

Diary, journals, audio recorder, video recorder, camera

            Laboratory experiments             on biological and material samples

            Observation for             qualitative research

            Quantitative             observation of behavioral, education data

Equipment/s used to generate data from the samples (microscope, camera, thermometer, etc) and the written form to orderly store the collected data

Observation notes, reflective notes, methodological notes, reflexive notes, analytical notes

Observation checklists and scales

Records review

Photocopier, scanner, image capture, materials used for organizing, digital image organizing software

Biophysical data

Diagnostic tools and machines, recording forms
Social Artifacts
            Physical artifacts

            Images (such as in             photovoice)


            Social media data

Camera, digital image organizing software


Video recorder, digital video organizing software

Word processor software, spreadsheet software, online data mining software, screenshot function and digital image organizing software

After the introductory paragraph where the number and types of instruments used are indicated, each instrument is allotted one subsection. Following are the general guidelines in discussing each instrument.
1.     The name of the subheading is the name of the instrument. Some instruments (like standardized tests, diagnostic tools/procedures, iPhone voice recorder ver.8.0) have proper names, while others are just named based on the type of instrument (like simply, observation notes or interview guides).
2.     Cite the proponent/creator of the instrument (if applicable).
3.     Discuss the characteristics/content of the instrument.
4.     Discuss the reliability and validity of the instrument (if applicable).
5.     Indicate which research objective, concept or variable this specific instrument is addressing.
6.     Justify why this is the best instrument for your study. You may cite studies that proved the instrument’s validity and reliability, and studies that used the particular instrument in their specific research.
For the details that are specific to a type of instrument that needs to be mentioned in the discussion, below is a quick snapshot of the guidelines:

Quantitative survey instruments or tests
·      Standardized, modified or researcher made?
·      Indicate psychometric properties: how many domains, items, scoring scheme, type of questions, reliability and norming test results
·      Match test/domain with the variables of the study
·      Validation schemes: expert (content + face) and statistical validation
·      Narrate a summary of a pretest or pilot test if it was done
·      If your non-standardized test did not go for psychometric testing or got low scores, disclose in the limitations of the study

·      Present psychometrics for quantitative measures
·      Define and rationalize the use of memo, observation notes, reflexive notes, reflective notes, methodological notes
·      Image capture (photography) and videography must be justified
·      Explain data/file storage
Interview or FGD guide
·      Open ended, loosely structured, non-leading questions
·      Phenomenology: grand tour question; follow-ups must be experiential
·      Life history/narrative analysis: focus on life, story and episodes
·      Triangulated studies: different person/source, different interview guide
·      Indicate recording tools + brand
·      If the interview schedule has less than six questions, no need to place in appendix.

Documents/Online Data
·      Explain and justify tools used of manual or automated data mining
·      Explain process of data quality assurance and storage

Biophysical Data
·      Explain and justify the choice of biometric to measure the variable
·      Indicate data generation and storage technologies (+brand and sample image) that will be used; justify the decision
Figure __:

The instrument section only enumerates and describes the instruments. The actual form of the instrument is found in the appendix. Other documents that must be found in the appendix related to the instruments are:
·      Summary report for pilot testing results
·      Correspondences with authors on standardized tests
·      Correspondences with expert validators
·      Scoring and computation details
·      Instructions/guidelines in conducting interview/FGD/survey
Interview schedules with five or less number of questions can be put in the main section instead of the appendix.


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