Saturday, August 3, 2019


This section of the study presents importance of the findings yielded from the research at a macro-level scale. It must be able to argue how the insights from the study can potentially contribute to theory and knowledge building, standards of professional practice, program and policy development and social and ethico-moral dimensions of the findings. This section is divided into six subsections, presented as one paragraph each.

Table 1
Six subsections under implications
Guide Questions

Theory and Knowledge Building

·      What new knowledge is being offered by the current study?
·      How does the study support or refute the current theoretical frameworks and research on the topic? 

Professional Practice
·      How will the insights from the current study be able to inform and improve current professional standards and practice?

Program and Policy
·      How do the insights from the current study be used to inform current programs and policies on the topic?
·      What new programs and policies can be forwarded in order to address study findings?

Creativity and Innovation
·      How can the insights from the current study foster creativity and innovation in your practice? 

Socio-cultural Implications
·      What do your findings say about the community and the society where the study was conducted?
·      How can the insights from your study be used in order to improve social conditions and cultural preservation?

Ethico-moral Implications

·      Using Christian morality as a framework, what do your findings say about the ethical considerations surrounding your topic?
·      How can the insights from your study be used in order to improve ethical decision making and behavior? 

Using the hypothetical example on ethical standing and buying behavior, here is an example how a subsection can be presented.

Program and Policy. As this study shows that the ethical standing of companies influence their image and consequently the patronage of consumers on their products, it is important to set up policies and ethical codes in companies that are aligned with social justice, and make sure employees adhere to these standards.
Creativity and Innovation. Finding the balance between maximizing profit and adhering to ethical standards and corporate social responsibility can be difficult. This study presents a challenge to companies in order for them to be creative in creating products and campaigns that are both profit generating and ethical image building.

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