Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Approval Sheet

Below is a sample of the format of the approval sheet that comes after the title page.

(click to enlarge)

Download template for Bachelors and Masters approval sheet here.

Download template for Doctorate approval sheet here

Title: APPROVAL SHEET (center, all caps, font 12, bold)

Title and author information:
This thesis entitled “TITLE OF THE STUDY HERE,” prepared and submitted by <<STUDENT 1, STUDENT 2 and STUDENT X>> in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of <<Place the name of the degree, followed by the major if applicable>>, has been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval for oral examination.

Name and signature of adviser (right side)

Mid Title: ORAL EXAMINATION COMMITTEE: (center, all caps, font 12, bold)

Approval and rating clause: Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ____.

Names and signature of panel members (chairman last in the byline, center)

Approval and degree clause: Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of <<degree and major here>>.

Name and signature of the program chairperson (left side)

Name and signature of the dean (right side)

Notes on the approval sheet:
  • The signing of this form will only be done when final revisions are made and approved. Adviser will sign first, followed by the panel members, then the panel chair, then the chairperson and last the dean. 
  • You may only hard-bind the papers when all the signatures are complete.
  • Make sure that the full names of all the signatories are complete (given name, middle initial and last name, together with the necessary prefixes and suffixes).
  • Once this sheet is completely signed, save a pdf file of the scanned copy for saving later in the accompanying CD, before binding.
  • Pagination is small roman numerals (ii).

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